PATIENCE - the ability to wait for a long period of time without becoming angry or upset.


Patience is something you will need to have all throughout your life.

I have had the opportunity to train with Grandmaster Choi many times over the years. I can not help but think of him when I think of patience. I can only imagine how much patience Grandmaster Choi must have had to have as he began taking the information he had learned over years of training in other martial arts, the injuries he had incurred, and the medical information he had gathered as he began to develop the wonderful martial art we train in. 

Anytime we begin a new adventure in our life we have to have patience.  When you first began to learn to walk (even though you probably don’t remember it) you had to have patience.  It takes patience to learn new things like how to write letters and numbers or how to understand the concepts of addition and subtraction.  When parents teach us new things we need to be patient as they explain how to do something and why it should be done a specific way.  When you learn to make a bed or fold clothes there can be many right or wrong ways to do that, but there is still a process that must be followed and we need to have patience for someone to teach us.

We also need to be patient in our own personal martial art journey. One of the wonderful things about training at HCMA is that we are always learning new things.  If we begin to learn the progression of our curriculum, it makes it easier to be able to do our very best. Sometimes we need to be patient in our testing as well.  Sometimes we need to wait an additional month to better our techniques even if WE “think” we have it just fine.  Patience in learning only makes us better at what we are doing.

As we benefit from being patient learners, we must also be patient teachers and friends.  When you are interacting with others, try to be patient with them just like you would want others to be patient with you.

Finally we need to be patient with our goals and aspirations as God has the ultimate plan for us and sometimes we need to wait on His timing and blessings will be waiting upon our patience.



“A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel”

Proverbs 15:18

“We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”

Hebrews 6:12